Health & Wellness Policy
Health & Wellness Policy
Children with infectious illnesses can not attend daycare. Please keep a child home when he/she is sick, unable to play outdoors, and/or unable to participate in the center's regular program, alternate arrangements for care must be made. We ask that you notify Mommy’s Daycare no later than 7:00 am, in the event your child will be staying home due to illness. Tuition refunds are not given for days missed due to illness.
In certain situations, we may ask you to provide a note from a physician to confirm your child is well enough to return to a group child care setting. This will include a statement that your child is not contagious. If a child becomes ill while at daycare, the parent(s)/guardian(s) will be notified, and prompt pick-up arrangements are expected. In an emergency, medical aid will be immediately sought.
Children with suspected communicable diseases (measles, chickenpox, pink eye, hand foot and mouth, etc) must see a medical practitioner for confirmation of the illness; Mommy's Daycare may be required to notify the medical health officer within 24 hours if a child attending daycare has a reportable communicable disease.
Please keep your child home if they show any of the following symptoms:
● fever over 100.4 F/38C degrees in the last 24 hours
● nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea in the last 48 hours
● unusual, unexplained loss of appetite, fatigue, irritability, or headache
● eye infections
● unexplained rashes or any rash that is not confirmed by the doctor to be non-contagious
● difficulty breathing, wheezing or persistent cough
● ear infection
● severe cold and/or cough and/or excessive runny nose that is coloured (i.e. green)
● sore throat
● untreated head lice
Administration of Medication
Administration of Medication
Parents who would like medicine administered in the center must sign a Medication Administration Consent form and initial daily for the administration. Parents also must provide a locked compartment where the medication must be kept.
Teachers are unable to administer any medication (including sunscreen or diaper cream) without a completed Permission to Administer Medication Form. If you are unsure if something is a medication: if it has a DIN, it is a medication. Under guidance from licensing, we are unable to administer essential oils or other naturopathic medications unless a) there is a prescription from a BC medical practitioner and b) the provided container has a
prescription attached, outlining dosing amounts, times and child’s name.
Under NO circumstances is medication to simply be left in a child’s bag or cubby. It must always be personally delivered to a staff member who works in the child’s classroom who will then place it in a locking storage container.